Janai Perry

Janai Perry

Generously Sponsored By: Community Members
Age, at time of Internship: 17
CIT Intern: Summer 2022
Restaurant Host: Chopbar, Chef Lev
Wraparound Program: Coliseum College Prep Academy (CCPA)
Intern’s Story: Some of Janai’s earliest memories are of her grandmother’s love-infused cooking. After being sent to a foster home, however, mealtime changed abruptly from an expression of love to an impersonal obligation.

Struggling with the lack of community and opportunity in the foster care system, Janai dove into cooking. With the dream of owning her own restaurant and providing jobs for others in need, she worked hard to graduate early and applied to Sprouts Chef Training program.

SEEKING SPONSORSHIP: Today she hopes to find a community sponsor to fund her professional chef training at Sprouts and cheerlead her on as she lands her first culinary job and becomes financially independent. 


  • “The main reason I chose this internship was not only my passion for cooking but because of my mother. My mother passed away in January and while she struggled with addiction, which had made her give up on practically everything, the one thing she never stopped caring about was opening her own restaurant someday…working in the Chopbar and building bonds with everyone in that kitchen over the last month has made me feel closer to my mom than I ever have.”

    Chantel Brewster
    2021 Chef Training Intern at Chopbar
  • “I am proud to be a cook. I’m proud to have a job that pays medical and dental for my family. I’m proud to pay for my daughter’s Montessori school and school supplies, for our home. I’m proud every time I see my food sent out to a guest – or get a compliment from a diner. I’m proud to know my craft so well, to satisfy human’s most basic needs… I wanted to thank all of you for giving others the same chance I had to dedicate my life to something noble.”

    Chris Hey
    2013 Chef Training Intern at Locanda
  • “I remember after my first shift and the talk I had with Chef Thomas. In my opinion, I feel I learned more about both food and life lessons. I honestly feel that my favorite part of this program was just being able to be surrounded by supportive people who actually cared. ”

    Leslia Lapota
    2016 Chef Training Intern at One Market Restaurant
  • “Chef Spike along with everyone else in PlayT were very kind and accepting, teaching me that a kitchen environment is like a family.”

    Riawna Pope
    2017 Chef Training Intern at PlayT 
  • “Each day I learned new things that would only help me grow as a chef, as a person. Pican and Sprouts has made my life open to many different opportunities.”

    Bobby Pennington
    2018 Chef Training Intern at Pican
  • “Sprouts helped me get into the restaurant industry. At my internships, I started by being the pasta extruder all the way up to the hot line. I worked with lots of great people whom are still friends today. I wouldn’t be the chef I am today without them.”

    Chris Hey
    2013 Chef Training Intern at Locanda
  • “I was 8 years old and I was stealing cars with my friends, seeing a lot of things I shouldn’t have been seeing at my age. I really needed somebody to believe in me because this was really my only way out. I’m a young black male, and I’m trying to make it. I’ve been through a lot…and I’m trying to make it right.”

    Mikey Quintana
    Chef Training intern at 25Lusk