Henrique Greghi

Henrique Greghi

Generously Supported By: Whole Foods Market
Age, at time of Internship: 16
CT Intern: 2022
Restaurant Host: Californios, Chef Val
Referred By: Chalk
Intern Story: Henrique was born in São Paulo, Brazil and moved to California when he was 13. He found it challenging to be in a new culture and learn a new language, but soon adapted to his new environment. He has always enjoyed cooking and learned some skills at home with his dad, “normal food like rice, beans, and meat”.

Henrique’s mom heard about Sprouts through a school email and told him about the Chef Training program. He had always dreamed of a career as a chef, and was excited when he found out he was accepted and would intern at an amazing restaurant like Californios. He found it very rewarding helping to prepare food and knowing that someone else (in the dining room) would get to eat and enjoy what he had made. His time as an intern was hard work but incredibly fun, and he learned a lot about making food, plating, and organization.

The sky’s the limit for Henrique – he is good at math and science and with his new restaurant skills, his only challenge will be choosing which direction to take after he finishes high school!