Bobby Pennington
Chef-In-Training Alumni

Bobby Pennington CIT

Generously Sponsored By: Beth and David Marks
Age, at time of internship: 17
CIT Intern: 2015
Restaurant Host: Pican
Wraparound Program: Rudsdale Continuation School
Bobby’s Story: Bobby was abandoned by both his mother and father when he was just a small child. Struggling with post-traumatic symptoms and depression, he got in trouble with drugs and theft, and was on the track to failing out of high school. After being transferred to a special continuation school, he discovered a love for cooking and applied to be a Sprouts Chef-in-Training intern. Bobby graduated with flying colors and is now enrolled in the Restaurant Management and Culinary Arts Program at Laney. He dreams of opening his own restaurant.
Future Goals: Bobby is enrolled in the Restaurant Management and Culinary Arts Program at Laney. He is excited to learn more about pastry and also learn more about the business side of restaurants. He dreams of opening his own restaurant. It would feature all different types of foods – maybe it’ll be a buffet!


“My first day as an intern was enlightening! I got to watch one of the chefs prepare plates and was astonished at how at professional looking he made them.”